
Canonical announcements

Cloud sprint: what I’ve learned about testing and code reviews

by Anthony Dillon on 30 October 2013

I was recently asked to attend a cloud sprint in San Francisco as a front-end developer for the new Juju GUI product. I had the pleasure of finally meeting...


About Usability Testing – Recruiting

by Canonical on 2 March 2012

Every three months, I conduct benchmark usability testing.  I’m calling these tests ‘benchmark testing’ because the aim of these sessions is to measure our...


Testing, testing, testing. It prints!

by Canonical on 2 March 2012

Back in 2008 Nick Ellery noticed that the default printer test page used more ink that it really needed to: Bug #298935 (“test print uses far too much ink”)....


Thunderbird & Evolution Usability Testing

by Canonical on 4 August 2011

Recently we hired an external consultant to compare the usability of 2 email clients: Thunderbird and Evolution. I have taken some highlights from the report...